Fade to Bambi is now up on Hypnotube.
I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I'd originally called it Bambi Trap, but there are a number of other "trap" files out there, and I didn't want them confused.
I asked people on my patreon for suggestions, and one of them hit it right on the head.
This file is over an hour long. The induction is long, and there's even more time spent on fractionization. It's only the last few minutes that are spent on triggers, but there are some clever little things designed to play right into the B*mbi Sl**p files. I think if you feel yourself affected by BS, this will knock you for a loop. There is no awakener, so be warned.
Enjoy and thanks to everyone for your support and kinds words and especially to everyone on Patreon who become paid members. I will always offer everything (except the books) for free including the Patreon, but the support is much appreciated.